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Some of our inhouse initiatives

Voluntary Time Off

Voluntary Time Off

In 2013 we created the VTO Initiative which stands for Voluntary Time Off. Everyone who works at Montgomery Group is given up to three days of paid leave to go and work for a charity close to their heart. The purpose of this program is to support activities that enhance and serve communities in which we live and work and the issues that impact our quality of life globally.

Monty Matching Scheme

Monty Matching Scheme

Whilst we support a large number of charities through the shows that we run, we also support charities that those within the business really care about. We  match their amazing achievements pound for pound, rand for rand or dollar for dollar - be that climbing mountains, running marathons or cooking cakes - it makes it personal and allows us to help a much broader range of amazing charities that need help.

The charities we support

We support charities at a Group, event and individual level and across all the territories that we work in. This covers a wide range of amazing organisations that need help and support. From City Harvest who redistribute surplus food to 1.2m Londoners a month, to Shoose who provide footwear for under privileged children in Johannesburg to Hope for Children who we have worked closely with for over a decade to support children going to school in Uganda and the clearing of the slums in Namuwongo through the charity Events for Namuwongo.